Tuesday, February 28, 2006

3 tone saddle?

I like to follow random links, you can find some real cool stuff!
On the other hand you can be emotionally scarred by shit like this:


or for an extra £5 you could get a front disk brake with this:


someone should be held accountable for selling this shit & sullying the countryside with sub-standard BMX look-a-likes!


rant over

have a nice day :-)

Kings park, Boscombe Pt.2

Following from Chaz's perfectly scaled, master build plans, here's a foto of his new park...

Sure you will enjoy it then dude! :-)

When will Banbury get one too....?

Monday, February 27, 2006

Joe Kid on a Falcon Pro...?

Well I've been threatening it for a while so here it is, my history of BMX. This took some digging to find pictures of all the bikes I've owned & unfortunately most are not actually my bike but I feel they still give a good representation of what I was riding...

OK Christmas, circa 1983, I get my first BMX bike. It was a Falcon Pro Theta, which lasted all of about 3 months before it cracked at the down tube gusset (probably from doing 60'000 front hops)

Well good old Trinders came up trumps & swapped the frame over for the top of the range ‘Omega’ (probably due to my pop threatening to ring their necks if they don’t sort some shit out!) I remember buying all the pointless gimmicky shit that all the ‘band-wagon’ companies bought out & loving every minute riding it. Each day I would get home & go ride with Joe Burl, Sboy, Newly & even BobK, we totally lapped it up, we built trick ramps, dirt jumps and dirt quarters, shit! I even built a 6 foot quarter pipe for my metal work project at school… I sold the Falcon after a short while & just had to build my own bike up the way I wanted it. Being a skint school kid, it took what seemed like a lifetime of saving & gradually building up the bike of my dreams… eventually I built up a TRM (Totally Radical Machine) Freestyler very similar to the one below…

Mine was also all in white but with white Aero Zytec mags & I thought it was the bollox, we continued to ride more & more, went to race meetings all over the place with the Banbury X-up’s team, just lived & breathed BMX. I eventually sprayed the TRM orange & got some black Skyway mags for it (Which was also why I did the orange & black colour scheme on my current bike) & continued to ride until about the time I left school…
After leaving school I got into all the usual stuff that teenage working blokes get into & BMX was no longer something that I was into… I had a good few Mountain Bikes, which carried me up to about 1989-90 when by chance I was in the newsagents & saw a magazine called Invert. Well, to say that was a catalyst would be an understatement! I think within a month I had bought a GT Vertigo complete with bash guard from SS20 in Oxford (I remember Shaun Goff threatening to beat me up if I didn’t collect it after begging him to order it on the fone without paying a deposit) I was good to my word & handed over the £200 & walked away (they didn’t know how to set up the bike!) a happy man & the fire inside was burning once more…

I paid a visit to Tone-Loc’s place & he just looked at me when he saw me riding a BMX again & I knew he was down for getting another bike ;-) Soon after I bumped into BobK & Wakey in Town & they too were fired up to get back into it. We all just fell back into our old ways & started riding again... a lot.

Next up for me was another custom build, shit; I was earning money now so I ploughed a load of cash into an S&M Dirt Bike. It had chrome slam bars (well what do ya know!) Superpro 48’s & all good quality components…

Mine was yellow & it cracked at the seat-tube top-tube weld after a while so I sent it back & Hot wheels said it was just the paint & they would get it chrome plated for me......About a month later (bastards) I got it back & after 1 session the chrome plate cracked in the same place as the paint had done before (double bastards) so I exchanged it for a nice neon orange Haro Air Master...

Sboy returned to the ranks around this time & he was the driver on all of our old road trips around the country, some great days out were had by all of us :-) We would be at Mon's ramps every weekend/fine evening.

The forks on this didn't last that long & ended up raked out quite badly, I wasn't happy & Colin @ Get Pedalling who was just the best dude/shop keeper EVER, agreed to swap them over for anything else I wanted so I ended up with one of the 1st batch of Hoffman 'Condor' frame sets to arrive in the country! Can you say STOKED!!!

I rode this frame for quite a while, I was not happy with the way the pegs attached through the forks (they were pissed) & I took this up with Matt @ the rider cup in 92' & he suggested I 'straighten them with a hammer' all good!!

Eventually the forks broke off during a disaster of a disaster & the frame was sold on to Ray, the latest member of the Banbury Crew, which now consisted of me &....
where the fuck is everyone???

Quiet times indeed... still rode hard though...

From the Condor I went onto a Homeless SoulBro frame which I bagged for cheap off of Andy, a Coventry flatlander...

Nice short frame which I painted black & then yellow. I think Ray may have had this frame off me too? From there it was onto a Wilkerson Airlines Riot Frame that I bought off another friend of mine…

This was around the time that Myself, Ray & Gareth used to ride the old mini @ Spiceball park, after the Wal was the KHE beater frame, Jason Davies signature frame, in Blue, bought from Fenside in Coventry...

Ibbo should have this built up by now as he got it off me a while ago, I enjoyed riding that frame.

Then it was onto Milk's old DK SOB frame (that looked nothing like this one)

This was painted in primer grey, ridden & then sold on (quite quickly) to Steve Jones.

Next was the Dragonfly DFX frame, purchased from Broadribbs in Bicester. This frame had lots of good little additions like built in chain tensioners & a dropout protector on the drive-train side of the frame...

I sold the DFX to Sam Keene (where are you Keeno?) & he went on to destroy it in no time at all!

Time to move onto the start of my Fly Bikes era! I went to Birmingham to buy the Diablo when they came out & was well impressed with it, nice simple frame, no frills, a sign of things to come from this great bike co!

With the advent of lighter bikes becoming available, I decided (with lots of help & enthusiasm from Ray!) to get a lighter set-up so that I can ride for longer without getting so physically fucked! (old tosser that I am). I sold the Diablo & forks to some local kid that I haven't seen much of since...? Which brings us up to now & my current ride, the Fly Mosca...

I’ve seen a lot of fads & people come & go during my time riding, seen a lot of changes in BMX & made some great friends too. Afterall, I probably wouldn't know any of you lot without these little bikes.
Thanks for reading this long arse thread, maybe you could do one too…?

Thanks to www.radbmx.co.uk & www.vintagebmx.com for some of the pictures.

Friday, February 24, 2006

new shit from the Fat Bald Men...

The New Crown Royal frontload stem was designed by Dave Harrison and Phil Wasson. A gyro plate can be inserted through a slot in the back of the stem eliminating the additional rise associated with most gyro plates. The stem is highly machined on the underside to reduce weight while maintaining its strength and solid appearance.
47mm reach
CNC Machined 6061 Aluminum Made in USA
Weight: 10oz
Gyro Plate not included

I like the design for the gyro top plate ;-) but WTF, it doesn't come with said plate!?!?

Something (stupid) for the weekend...

OK more randomness, do you have a caption for the picture below:

No prizes this month as Mirra didn't supply his 24k bike or himself as prizes from last months caption comp. Apparently this was due to being abused like fuck for selling out, as reported elsewhere on this blog...???

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lotek kicks DVD

I like the look of Lotek's shit, there's some trailers to their attractively priced DVD's here too:


Monday, February 20, 2006

Pic of the day...

& the winner of the best old skool bunny-hop is:

Dave Vanderspek - RIP

for your viewing pleasure

a few minutes of footage, some of it's kinda funny.........


And another one....


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pic of the Day...

Lanced from www.federalbikes.com

He does these down that rail too!


More MirraCo...

Following on from our earlier post about Dave Mirra's new bike company, here's some further info to get you salivating...

From http://www.fatbmx.com/modules/news/

February 10, 2006 - Carlsbad, CA. In a joint statement issued today, newlyformed Mirraco LLC and Trek Bicycles announced they have entered into an agreement where by Trek will be granted exclusive worldwide distribution rights to Dave Mirra's new line of BMX bikes, bike components, and accessories.Jim Ford, Mirraco's President had this to say about the agreement, "Both Dave and I believe that a partnership with Trek allows each company to do what they do best. Mirraco will control product development, design and promotions out of our Carlsbad, California office, while Trek will handle sourcing, distribution, and sales"."With this agreement, we retain control in the areas of the business that we know and understand. Undoubtedly, one of the assets that we found most attractive in establishing a relationship with Trek is that they are regarded as the industry's biggest and best supplier to the independent bicycle retailer.""This is huge," Mirra said of Trek partnering with Mirraco. "It demonstrates that Mirraco is a serious company. With Jim's knowledge of the business,Trek's distribution strength, and the team we're putting together, we're going to come out of the gate strong. This deal motivates me more than ever to ride hard and represent the company to the fullest".Trek President John Burke added, "While Trek is a known leader in road and mountain bike sales, the one thing we can improve is our presence in the 20"category. Given Dave Mirra's success and his respect in the industry, his new line of bikes will offer our dealers and consumers a great new option in the 20" category. This agreement represents a win/win situation for Mirraco and Trek."For more information, contact: info@mirrabikeco.com
What's that on his top lip...?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Favourite Video Sections

I don't care how old or new it is but I wanna know what your fave vid sections are. You can have two choices max & can state the rider - the video (or DVD!) - the music track - & why you like it:

oooh that's a tough one!

Friday, February 10, 2006

A Classic?

OK I'm in the market for some new pedals, I do like the new style shimano DX & would say they are right at the top of what I could swallow in regards to price :-\ (maybe a little too much!)
I have 2 pairs of the original DX (sadly for 1 piece cranks) laying around at my folks place & everyone & their dog had them back in the day!

What do you guys think? know any horror stories/good stories? & any other recommendations would be appreciated...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Way back when...

OK whilst this may not mean much to most of you, years ago Homeless Bikes & S&M & to an extent, Hoffman Bikes, had a bit of a tit-for-tat bitching session incorporated into their monthly ads in the magazines. It was all cool & pretty funny from all sides & seeing as I stumbled across this one, I thought I would post it :-)

Open the pic full size to avoid eye strain!
Anyone got any of the other Ads?!?!

Sboy had a homeless Mack Daddy
I had a Homeless Soul Bro & an S&M Dirt Bike & a Hoffman Condor
BK had a Hoffman BigDaddy (still has)
Ray had one of the later Soul Bros

& Wakey had a Bully!!!

Ride On

Friday, February 03, 2006


Is this place really being built? anyone know more about it?

Thursday, February 02, 2006





Where you at guys? Blogs all the better for having you around....
