It's always got to be good to cut work early to go & ride so it was half day for some old dudes & then hit the road to Corby again.
The plans all came together last minute & it ended up with Sunil & I travelling up from Banbury to Meet Alex, Mon & Zac at the park. After a good old chin-wag all the way up, we were into the park & out of the rain. Derren Bailey & Phil from Cov also came & we were soon all sessioning the bowl & wedge & having a grand old time of it!
Alex - Table

Mon & Zac skated the bowl & were there to do a reccy for the legendary Skate shop SS20 in Oxford. The plan, according to SS20 owner Mon, is to get a load of Skateboarders the world over to get together & have a big Jam type deal to celebrate 20 Years of SS20 with live music, DJ's & undoubtedly, some mental skating going down too. All due to happen as some point later in the year...

Zac - Hip


Mon - Bowl Carve

Sunil hasn't ridden for ages so it was good to see him blowing out the cobwebs & getting back into the flow. We made our way around the park & rode a little of everything, there were a bunch of foreign younger guys, all sessioning the main line down the park over the boxes but they all left after a short while & we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
We had a real good session on the street spine which has to have a prize for being the worst positioned ramp in a skatepark ever! it's right in the main line of the jump boxes/step ups callthemwhatyouwill. Fortunately as the park was quiet, we all managed to get some good stuff down on it anyways.
Alex - Spine - 360 Tyretap

Ian - Spine - No-foot nosepick

Big props to Sunil for conquering the spine & for the other guys riding who pretty much nailed everything they attempted. All Good...
After learning that the floor was in fact made of sandpaper (ouch) we returned to the bowl for a while & then Sunil & I called it a day. We said our goodbyes & were soon back on the dark roads to Banbury...
Thanks to you all for the inspiring riding & see you all @ Creation on the 23rd - Yo!

Derren & Alex

Sunil & Ian

Good times

Thanks to Alex for the photos ;-)