Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pic of the week...

Had to post this great picture of Alex on his 'Old Fools' road trip to Cornwall last weekend.

RAD doood!

For more nfo & more pics, check out Doug Cains blog

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Twice a day...

No posts for ages I know, well I haven't had anything to write for a while but last weekend I was determined to beat the winter weather & get pedalling.

I was up & out on Cinders (my aging 26") by 8:30am, I've been feeling ever the couch potato of late so I have decided to keep up regular exercise in the form of cycling, running & walking. so I did about 30-40 mins on the MTB which got the blood pumping & I soon realised just how much I'd lost the fitness as I plodded up that first hill!

After some shower/lunch/shopping action, I loaded up my 20" & drove to the park. No one of note out today & the way I was feeling it wasn't going to be a marathon by any stretch. After a quick warm up run & some advice given to idiot girls running about on the ramps, it was solo mission all the way. It was great to get out again, I get a real sense of well-being after I have done a few runs & the cogs start whirring over what to try next ;-) With an hours worth under the belt I was heading for me ma's for a well earned cuppa.

After which I crashed straight into the down & out of a sodding cold!

Cheers, sniff sniff..