interview 13

Chaz Mann.. aka.. annoying little prick who shags fat birds and likes it!!!
age.. 21
years riding.. about 8 years, only the past 4 1/2 on bmx though
fav spot to ride.. any dialled trails, Chertsey, Brighouse, Winchester, the list is long. Slades Farm, standard, my favourite park ever. Banbury can be good at times, when there is a good crowd hanging and nice weather. The worst spots can be the best ones with a group of sickheads.
Riding style.. fast as possible! Just pull up, do the odd trick, nibble wierd moves when at parks. Just pumping and pulling up and going real fast, with the sound of the freewheel clicking and tires buzzing on smooth packed dirt. Nothing beats summer days in the woods, no chance of a better feeling on a bike in my eyes.
plans for this year.. get the woods fully dialled in, move to Oxford with three of the nicest people I know, travel most weekends, learn to cook better, go out with a model, party hard, go visit some French woods, get a sweet job that I enjoy, spend too much money on petrol, learn a foreign language, drink myself into liking red wine.
what inspires you to ride.. people who dig fun trails, good videos of fast riding with fitting music, English riders who kill it, sunny days, riding in shorts,
who inspires you?.. trail bosses, people who love riding, anyone that loves riding as much away from civilization's eye as much as they do in front of an impressionable crowd. As for riders, Scott Edgworth, BF, Stauffer and Will Hermann are the first ones who always come to mind.
describe your local scene.. where do I start! BANBURY; rad kids, young shredders, ghetto rats, slags, eceltic mix of characters, heckling, laughter. BOURNEMOUTH; golden clay pits, abundance of spots, wild party times, masses of locals, sweet bike shops. OXFORD; soon to be the local, trails scene.
music.. Random artists at the moment - Braintax's new album, the Cure, Rolling Stones, Winehouse, Dubbledge, Regina Spektor, old Public Enemy, Smiths, Mighty Boosh music, Oasis.
what you at when not riding... digging at the trails, being a drunken zombie mess rambling incoherent sentances, watching amusing stuff on TV/net, listening to music, reading books whenever I can, shooting pictures of anything that takes my interest, generally making sure I have fun full time.
thanks to anyone.. definitely my parents for taking me so many places when I was younger. My Dad always fixed my bike when I was to spasticated which was mint. The people who started Hornton Hill and kept it running in the red for so long. Anyone that's ever given me a lift to a spot, dialled my bike (especially the brake!), trail builders for letting me case their sets and building such awesome places by hand straight outta the earth. The many people that let me sleep on their floors, make me toast in the morning and give me duvets to sleep on. Inspirational musicians.
What a splendid young man he is!
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