interview 10

Richy P aka Rambo
age.. 17
years riding.. probably about 3 years park then a couple of years trails and hornton hill before that!
fav spot to ride.. Banbury or Gus's Barn!
Riding style.. bit of everything really! not too many tricks..
plans for this year.. finsih my a-levels, get earning for my gap year! then travel my tits off and ride as much as possible!!!
what inspires you to ride.. Mates, good weather and getting out of the house!
who inspires you?.. hot girls... and chaz makes me do things alot and took me places when i couldnt drive. Gus aswell when hes here! plus all the Banbury boys of course!
describe your local scene.. rad. too many rats though.
music.. anything and everything! Uk hip hop for street, anything for park and trails!
what you at when not riding.. checking myspace, partying or hustling.
thanks to anyone.. the Banbury lot for accepting me when i was a wee nipper!
peace out!
the super model himself..
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